By @MichaelCaples –
CBS Sports is reporting that hockey fans across the globe might finally get something they’ve all (or at least some of them) have been waiting for – a hockey emoji.
You know the silly smiley faces and tiny images you can send through your smartphones and such…well there’s never been a hockey one (despite there being one for almost every other sport) and the hockey audience has been getting upset (or so it seems).
But fear not, hockey fans wanting to use emojis. Your time might finally come.
From our friend Chris Peters at CBS Sports, we present….drum roll please…the hockey emoji!

According to the CBS article, Unicode Consortium released 37 new emojis this week, with this hockey one being one of them. Now, you have to wait until Apple, Google and Microsoft update their own software before you can use them in texts and tweets and the like, but hey, it looks like hockey will soon be seeing the emoji equality it rightfully deserves.
As far as the emoji itself? Could use a little work. Whoever made it appears to be a big fan of the ‘start the tape in the middle of the blade and wrap the toe’ style of taping up the twig, but we’re a little concerned about no tape at the handle…don’t see many players opting for that style of tape job these days. Plus, the blade looks a little…wonky…like we’re back in the Stan Mikita age where players are creating curves by heating up the blade and bending it themselves. Not a good strategy these days.
Besides, who uses a wood stick anymore?