To celebrate the International Ice Hockey Federation’s World Girls’ Ice Hockey Weekend, HoneyBaked and Suburban Ice Farmington Hills hosted its fourth annual Girls’ Hockey Party on Oct. 6. Along with games, sign creation contests, opportunities to hit HB coaches in the face with whipped-cream pies and a Try Hockey For Free events, the HB girls’ teams welcomed opponents from as close as Kensington Valley to as far away as Chicago to their rink for a fun-filled day of hockey action. Check out MiHockey’s photos from the first seven games of the day, as well as the Try Hockey event. (Photos by Michael Caples/MiHockey)
10U Kensington Valley vs. HB
19U Chicago Mission vs. HoneyBaked
12U St. Clair Shores Saints vs. HB
16U Chicago Mission vs. HoneyBaked
14U Little Caesars Farmington Hills vs. 12U HoneyBaked
14U Meijer vs. HoneyBaked
16U St. Clair Shores Saints vs. HB
Try Hockey For Free