By @MichaelCaples –
Here’s one you don’t see everyday, and we couldn’t keep from sharing it – even thought it takes place in a far, faraway place from Michigan.
Way out there in Russell, Manitoba, a goalie robbed a beer store.
You read that right – a goalie robbed a beer store.
According to Aug. 15 video surveillance at the C-Store Beer Vendor at the Russell Inn – as shared by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police – the second of two men who broke into the store at 2:45 a.m. was dressed in goalie pads, a blocker, a goalie glove and he was even carrying a goalie stick.
The ‘tendy helped the other guy carry out “several cases of beer.”
We haven’t seen any imagery from the incident, but it sure is fun to imagine a goalie running/waddling out of a liquor store in the middle of the night with a bunch of cases of beer.
Report from the Winnipeg Sun, to go along with the Imgur photo posted above.
The RCMP were kind enough to share the video of the robbery – and they even labeled it as “#17 in your program but #1 on the Russell Manitoba RCMP wanted list.” Obviously he’s the top criminal in the country right now…nobody steals beer from Canada and gets away with it.