Mitch Jones’ ALS Challenge video incorporates hockey like no others

By @MichaelCaples –

Unless you’ve been living under a rock (or you’re just not on any social media websites), you’ve seen plenty of ‘ALS Ice Bucket Challenge’ videos by now.

You know the videos – somebody gets challenged, and then they have to dump a bucket of ice water on their heads in a way to show their support in the battle against ALS.

But Plymouth Whalers defenseman Mitch Jones (@Jonezy47) took it to a whole new level with his recent #ALSIceBucketChallenge video. Check it out below.

What’s been your favorite Ice Bucket Challenge video? Have you posted your own? Tell us about it on Twitter (@MiHockeyNow).


One response to “Mitch Jones’ ALS Challenge video incorporates hockey like no others”

  1. […] to be outdone, Plymouth Whalers defenseman Mitch Jones’ ice bucket challenge incorporated a Zamboni in his ice bucket […]