On Oct. 19, USA Hockey’s National Team Development Program let MiHockey cameras follow around the Under-17 Team to document a typical day at the rink.
Almost every day, the elite athletes attend local high schools around the Plymouth area before converging on USA Hockey Arena for an afternoon and evening of on- and off-ice training. Here was the schedule for the day featured in the photo gallery, which, we can assure you, was exhausting – for the photographer, let alone for the players. (Photos by Michael Caples/MiHockey)
12:30 p.m. – The players arrive at USA Hockey Arena (some were already in the off-ice shooting room).
1:10 p.m. – The team is dressed and on the ice for practice
2:15 p.m. – The U17s are split into two groups on the ice after a resurface from the Zamboni; forwards join skating coach Carrie Keil for power-skating drills and the defensemen work on skills before the two groups switch.
3:00 p.m. – All players participate in stride board training with Coach Keil in the weight room.
3:35 p.m. – Strength training begins with strength and conditioning coach Darren Nelson.
4:30 p.m. – The players begin to head home; multiple times per week, they stay later for study hall with tutors to make sure they are keeping a good standing in school, as well.